Church Services

About Our Weekly Church Services
While all of our services are different and unique the first thing we expect you to do at any one of our services when you get here is to relax. You will be with people just like you. Whatever your circumstances – single, married, single again, with or without children, young or old – and no matter where you’ve been or what’s happened in your life, you are welcome in our community. Whether you have been here many times or never been to church before, you can anticipate an encouraging and meaningful experience. Our worship services are designed for you to be engaged and be encouraged in faith. We are passionate about people knowing and experiencing the life transforming message of Jesus. Our aim is to present the truths of the Bible in a compelling and practical way that helps you to grow in your faith
9:30am Sunday Service
4pm Sunday Service
6pm Sunday Service
Traditional Worship Service
Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month at 10am during school term.
What to expect at a TCBC Service
Each of the services at TCBC include a time of singing together, prayer, Bible reading and teaching. Our services are centered around God and helping people come into a space to grow, learn and be encouraged by what God has to say to us.
Songs We Sing
What music would you expect to hear sung at TCBC?
Have a song stuck in your head from Sunday and want to listen to it again?
Songs We Sing is a list of songs that we sing regularly at TCBC.
Available on
Spotify – SpotifyTCBCSongsWeSing
Apple Music – AppleMusicTCBCSongsWeSing
YouTube – YouTubeTCBCSongsWeSing

Transforming lives through Christ-centred community
Our Service Times:
Regular Sundays will return 9th February at 9:30AM, 4PM & 6PM
Tuesday Church is held every 2nd and 4th Tuesday during school term at 10am.
15-17 Duffy Avenue Thornleigh NSW 2120
Our Friday Newsletter is sent out weekly, including a message from one of our pastors and lets you know about upcoming events in the life of TCBC