(02) 9484 0093 office@tcbc.org.au


Alpha is a video-based series that begins a conversation about Jesus. Our prayer at TCBC is that people we know will come to faith through Alpha.

Did you know that 9 out of 10 people who try Alpha came along because they were invited?

That is, Alpha works best when people invite someone they know!

So who are you prayerfully going to ask?


Here’s a few simple tips to help you invite your friends and family along. Remember to make it personal and your own!

What is Alpha?


Alpha is a 6 week series of interactive sessions that create a safe and honest space, where people can explore life, faith and meaning.

How To Invite Someone?

You will often know the person or people in your life that you could invite.

Who is it you already have a good relationship with?

Who has showed interest in faith before?

You may like to follow these steps:

Step 1: Write a list

Think of someone from work or uni. Is there anyone there, whom you might want to invite to Alpha?

Think of someone from your family. Is there anyone there, you might want to invite?

Think of someone you’d call a friend. Are there any you think might be open?

Maybe there’s a group of people who would be interested in doing it together?

Step 2: Start praying for them

Ask: Holy Spirit, whoever you have ready to accept, help me cooperate with that

Step 3: Invite

It’s time to invite who God has put on your heart. Be brave and allow God to go before you!

Here are some Draft Invitations You Can Use


Hey, my church runs this course called Alpha. It’s a place to explore the big questions of life and have conversations about things like faith, meaning and God. It starts with a free dinner and I wondered if you would be interested in checking out the first session with me? It starts (insert date and time). Let me know and we can go along together. You can find out more here: https://www.alpha.org.au/

Share Alpha on Social Media

We all have questions about life, but we rarely find the time to stop and explore answers. I’d like to invite anyone and everyone to come with me and start a conversation about the big questions of life, faith, meaning and God by coming along to our first session of Alpha that starts (insert date and time). You can check out the trailer at https://player.vimeo.com/video/185259253.

Please message me if you have any questions or if you’d like to come along.

Register for Alpha at TCBC!

We have an English Alpha starting  October 24th

6:30pm-8:30pm @ TCBC Auditorium

Free dinner included

We have a Chinese Alpha starting October 20th

4pm-6pm @ TCBC

Transforming lives through Christ-centred community

Our Service Times: 

Sundays at 9:30AM, 4PM & 6PM


15-17 Duffy Avenue Thornleigh NSW 2120

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