Low Tech Lent
Thanks for journeying with us through Low Tech Lent. Whether you joined us for 1 day or all 40, we hope it helped you.
Low-Tech Lent was a new thing for our church, and we’d love your feedback on the experience. We want to grow in how to do this kind of thing – so any feedback will be helpful, whether you come to TCBC or not.
Please fill out the 1 minute survey here.
Transforming lives through Christ-centred community
Our Service Times:
Summer Holiday Services: 9:30am and 4pm
Regular Sundays will return in February at 9:30AM, 4PM & 6PM
Tuesday Church is held every 2nd and 4th Tuesday during school term at 10:30am.
15-17 Duffy Avenue Thornleigh NSW 2120
Privacy Policy
Our Friday Newsletter is sent out weekly, including a message from one of our pastors and lets you know about upcoming events in the life of TCBC