(02) 9484 0093 office@tcbc.org.au

Children and Families

Children’s Ministry

Children are precious, teachable and a very important part of our community.


9:30am service: Children join us for worship before attending Creche (0-3years) or TCBC KIDS (3-11years) for a program of games, teaching and response activities.

4pm service: Children join us for worship before attending Creche (0-3years) or TCBC KIDS (3-11years) for a program of games, teaching and response activities.

TCBCKids provides fun, energetic, biblically based, relationship-building life groups for kids of all ages (Preschool – Year 5) where they can grow to know Jesus as their friend, Saviour and Lord.


Sundays: open from 9.30am and 4pm until the end of each service, and is held in the Nursery which is located in the main building close to the auditorium where the church service is being held.

We provide a welcoming and safe place for children from 9 months to 3 years to play and be cared for.

BLAST will return Friday 14th February 2025!


If you’re in Years 5 & 6 this year, come along to the Activities Centre (corner of Duffy Ave and The Esplanade)  for an afternoon of fun, friends and delicious food. We look forward to meeting you!

Register HERE


The action takes place from
July School Holidays 17-19 July 2024 (Wed – Fri) 9am-4pm
followed by a spectacular Kids Showcase and free Family Celebration Dinner on the Friday evening.

KidsGames 2024

Registrations have sold out!

Kids Games is an action packed 3-day kids club open to all primary school-aged children. The program includes games, music, electives and learning from the Bible.

Get-into-it Games • Spectacular Stories


Cooking • Sport • Dance • Art •  Science • Coding

$60 per child 


Families’ Ministry

 Mainly Music

Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays

9.30 – 11am during term time

$50 per term

Our Mainly Music programs are pausing for the holiday period. Mainly Music will begin again

Monday 10th February 2025

Tuesday 11th February 2025

Thursday 13th February 2025


Mainly Music is a fun music group for parents or caregivers to enjoy together with their young child (0-6 years).
It is made up of a thirty-minute session of music, rhyme and movement, followed by morning tea and then a time of unstructured play for the children and an opportunity for the carers to chat.

For Registrations and more details please contact the church office on 94840093 or mainlymusic@tcbc.org.au

Welcome Baby

Please email office@tcbc.org.au for more information

The Welcome Baby program is designed to connect caring visitors with new parents – to support them through prayer, monthly visits and informative newsletters and to build lasting relationships.


Children & Families Coordinator – Naomi Dennis – naomi@tcbc.org.au

Transforming lives through Christ-centred community

Our Service Times: 

Regular Sundays will return 9th February at 9:30AM, 4PM & 6PM

Tuesday Church is held every 2nd and 4th Tuesday during school term at 10am.


15-17 Duffy Avenue Thornleigh NSW 2120

Our Friday Newsletter is sent out weekly, including a message from one of our pastors and lets you know about upcoming events in the life of TCBC