(02) 9484 0093 office@tcbc.org.au



Listen to our Sermons online

A Good God In The Real World

24 September 2023
How can we ‘taste & see that the Lord is good’ without closing our eyes to problems and pain that are present in our lives and world?

The Way of Joy

17 September 2023
This Sunday will be one of mixed emotions for us all as we farewell Carol and Paul Cleasby. It will be a day of reminiscing, thanksgiving, celebration, and hoping. There…

Disability: Jesus’ Heart

3 September 2023
In our 6pm service we’re continuing our 3 week Disability series by looking at how Jesus went towards those with disabilities in a revolutionary, transformative way!

One Thing I Ask

3 September 2023
If you could ask the LORD for one thing knowing that your request would be granted, what would it be? That's the question prompted by this Sunday's Psalm, Psalm 27.…
Will begins our three week Disability series by exploring God’s heart and God’s design.

Beyond Confusion

27 August 2023
Orientation; disorientation; re-orientation. Life contains plenty of each of these. So does the book of Psalms. That's why we love them -- because they relate so much to our own…
This Sunday we have the culmination of "Together: a Church Practising the Way". We will be looking at service and relating it to the other foundational aspects of Church life…
At TCBC, we are committed to "transforming lives through Christ-centred community". But what does it look like to be a Christ-centred community? This Sunday, we'll see some helpful insights on…

Reading the Bible

9 July 2023


2 July 2023


18 June 2023

Our Calling

11 June 2023

Acts 25:1-12

4 June 2023

Hearing God’s Voice

21 May 2023

Acts 18

7 May 2023

Transforming lives through Christ-centred community

Our Service Times: 

Regular Sundays will return 9th February at 9:30AM, 4PM & 6PM

Tuesday Church is held every 2nd and 4th Tuesday during school term at 10am.


15-17 Duffy Avenue Thornleigh NSW 2120

Our Friday Newsletter is sent out weekly, including a message from one of our pastors and lets you know about upcoming events in the life of TCBC