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Luke 10

2 March 2025
Join us at Tim and Jo Kay collab preach from God's word about how each of us is sent on mission with Jesus.

Feeding the 5000

23 February 2025
This Sunday, Lara explores how the feeding of the 5000 in Luke's Gospel still applies to us today. What 3 things can Jesus teach us through this passage?

Advent Week 1

1 December 2024
Advent has begun. In this message, Tim introduces the book of Luke and kicks off our Advent series by reflecting on the angel Gabriel’s powerful words to Zechariah.
In the next sermon of our Walking with Jesus series, Tim unpacks the meaning and practice of the Jesus Prayer, guiding us through an in-depth look at Mark 10:46-52. Join…

Armour Of God

29 September 2024
Join us as Tim explores how the armour of God can be a protective factor in our mental health.
This Sunday Tim takes us through 1 Corinthians 10. The purpose of our lives isn’t to see how much we can get away with and still be Christians; rather, it…
This Sunday, Jo Kay takes us through 1 Corinthians 8 exploring what the Bible teaches us about clarity of conscience.
In this passage, Paul takes a detour into discussing lawsuits between believers. But what did litigating in Corinth look like? Enoch (our resident insurance lawyer) suggests there's a bigger-picture principle…
“Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” This appears to be the heart of discipleship for Jesus - denying ourselves…
This Mark series is an opportunity for just that. To experience the Lord Jesus afresh, and recognise His goodness in our lives. I’m excited to bring a message this Sunday…
"Come, Follow Me" Come - it's an action, where we participate. Follow - there's an imitation. We are to copy. Me - We are to follow Jesus. This week we're…

Disability: Jesus’ Heart

3 September 2023
In our 6pm service we’re continuing our 3 week Disability series by looking at how Jesus went towards those with disabilities in a revolutionary, transformative way!